Lakeside For Youth- Not Your Typical Church Camp

This isn’t your typical church camp. There is praise and worship each morning, a missions update and a message to dive deeper into the Bible and start conversations for smaller group settings.

Afternoons are reserved for free time. In the evenings, the camp sings contemporary Christian music. This isn’t like singing hymns on a Sunday morning, but a full production band on the stage, with speakers blaring, a light show going and giving it all to God concert. The evening programs vary – a concert, magician or comedian – but always centered on living the life Christ wants for us. The week is completed with communion and a candlelight walk to the lake.

This summer Lakeside for Youth is offering two opportunities for campers.  Senior High and Junior High camp are will be the same week this year - June 15 – 21, 2025. Some events will be together like morning watch, praise and worship and evening programs. Other things will still be separate, such as each group will have their own impact speaker and interest groups. Camp housing will be provided for Junior High campers.Lakeside For Youth June 18-24, 2023

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Senior High & Junior High Camp Week

June 15 - 21, 2025
